Dear Mary,
TOUCHY subject isn't it?! The good news is that you have experienced this before with other men so you know that you can enjoy it - and should sista!! I do have a solution for you that can add to the pleasure you seek and avoid dampening your man's efforts. First start by
showing him - up close - how you like it. If you like it slow tell him how GOOOOOD it feels when it's slow and sexy like that.. etc. Play up the things you really ENJOY so he takes notice. Then guide his hands and maneuver him the way you like it. Don't be afraid to 'assist' when he's trying to pleasure you - men like direction and like to be CERTAIN they are giving you what you want. If that still doesn't work for ya then don't be afraid to very gingerly talk to him about it.. Be sure to highlight the things you LOVE that he does and encourage him to try again to make things work ;o) If it doesn't go over well.. just lick his fingers and SHOW him how he does it for you in so many other ways!!!

Cheers xo! --Chick